Thanks to volunteers, the railings look a lot better at Magee Park (photo by Patrick Hassett)
Last Saturday’s cleanup (April 16) was a great success.
Volunteers painted the railings on the bleachers, touched up the “Magee Park” sign, picked up trash, and planted a garden. Here are some photos of the work day.
A big Thank You to everyone!
Scraping and painting the railings (photo by Patrick Hassett)
Picking up trash at Magee Park. Thank you! (April 16, 2016,photo by Patrick Hassett)
Planting a garden near the Magee Rec Center (photo by Patrick Hassett)
And when it was all done .. the kids came out to play soccer.
Kids practicing soccer at Magee Park, 16 April 2016 (photo by Patrick Hassett)