Vote For Your Favorite City Steps


With over 800 staircases, Pittsburgh has the most public steps of any city in America.  In Greenfield we have staircases and jump-walks (*sidewalks with built-in steps) that make connections between streets and traverse our steep hills.

But with limited resources, the City of Pittsburgh needs to prioritize maintenance.

Vote For Your Favorite Steps!  Suggest improvements

  • Do you use City steps or jumpwalks(*) to get from place to place?
  • Are the steps in need of repair or maintenance (weeds or snow)?
  • Are there steps you’d use but they’re closed or too dangerous?
  • Do you have ideas on how to improve the City’s steps?

Learn about the steps and the project here:  Go to and click on the City Steps tab as shown above.

Then visit the City Steps wikimap to vote for the steps you use, report problem areas and suggest improvements at:

Questions or comments?  Contact:
Kristin Saunders
Principal Transportation Planner
Department of Mobility & Infrastructure
414 Grant Street


p.s. Here are some steps you might think abouy:  Alexis steps to Greenfield Avenue, Magee Field steps from McCaslin Street down and up to Greenfield Avenue, Coleman Street jumpwalks (sidewalks with built-in steps), Murray Avenue steps to Browns Hill Road.


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