Turner Cemetery History Walk, Sept 29


Join Mary S. Brown Memorial-Ames United Methodist Church and the Friends of Turner Cemetery for the 10th Annual Turner Cemetery History Walk on Saturday September 29, 2018.  The event is free and open to everyone.

Turner Cemetery is a historic half-acre graveyard on Beechwood Boulevard that dates back to 1785, containing the remains of early settlers of Squirrel Hill and military veterans from the Revolutionary War to the Civil War.

The event includes a presentation by Squirrel Hill historian Wayne Bossinger, self-guided cemetery tours, and historical displays. Re-enactors from the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment and the Oliver Miller Homestead will be encamped in the cemetery to demonstrate what life was like in late 1700s America. Cemetery researchers will be on hand to talk about the colorful people buried there and the turbulent times in which they lived.

WHAT:  Tenth Annual Turner Cemetery History Walk

WHEN: Saturday September 29, 10:30a to 3p.

WHERE: 3424 Beechwood Boulevard in the Squirrel Hill/Greenfield area of Pittsburgh, PA

The History Walk will feature a sales table with historical books by local authors, with book signings by authors. In addition, a variety of soups and desserts will be offered for sale.


10:30: Turner Cemetery opens for visitors. Placards will be set up in the cemetery describing its history and the people buried there.

Ongoing from 10:30-3:00 in the cemetery:
• Self-guided walking tours
• Encampment by the Eight Pennsylvania Regiment and Oliver Miller re-enactors

11:00: Welcome Ceremony in the cemetery, with a bagpiper and an 8th Pennsylvanian honor guard. The door to the church meeting hall will open at this time for people to enter for the presentation.

11:30-12:30: Opening remarks by members of Mary S. Brown-Ames Church, followed by a presentation, “The People and Industries of Early Squirrel Hill,” by local historian Wayne Bossinger

11:30-3:00: Following the presentation, a bookstore will feature books by local authors. Authors will be available for book signings. In addition, a soup and dessert sale will be held.

Note: The church meeting hall is handicap accessible, but the half-acre cemetery is on an uneven grassy slope without paths. The church has a small parking lot entered from Beechwood Boulevard. Ample street parking is available along Beechwood Boulevard.

Click here for the poster.

For more information, go to www.brightredfence.org or www.turnercemetery.org, or contact Sandy Rim, Chairperson, Friends of Turner Cemetery/Mary S. Brown-Ames UM Church, sandyrim@meetingsinfo.com or 412-421-0701, or Helen Wilson, Turner Cemetery researcher, hjtwilson@gmail.com.



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