🚌 Tomorrow, Monday, October 21st, from 8 AM to 10 AM, Pittsburgh Regional Transit’s draft redesign team will be at the bus stop outside Giant Eagle in Greenfield (4250 Murray Ave) to review the first draft of redesigned bus routes.
Stop by to provide valuable feedback on the future of our public transit system!
🚌 Individuals who are unable to attend in-person can provide input by
- Posting a comment directly on the Draft Network 1.0 map (click “Post comment” in the map’s upper-right corner)
- Attend the Bus Line Redesign Draft Network 1.0 Online Meeting | Oct 24, 2024, 6:00 pm -7:30 pm
- Emailing buslineredesign@rideprt.org
- Calling 412-442-2000
- Submitting District 5 Bus Line Redesign Resident Input Form
FEEDBACK EVENT: Attend the PRT pop up on Monday Oct 21 at the Greenfield Giant Eagle 8-10am