The GCA is proud to launch the Greenfield Garbage Grabbers or G3 initiative, with the goal to keep our streets clean and our neighborhood looking its best!
Busy streets, bus stops and an active community can result in litter on the streets. The GCA is organizing neighbors to adopt an area of Greenfield for regular litter pickups. This is a great opportunity to get outside, contribute to the community and protect the environment.
Who can be a Greenfield Garbage Grabber?
If you live, work or are a business owner in Greenfield you can be a G3! This is a great family/neighbor or business community service opportunity.
What areas can I adopt?
Find out which areas are already adopted, or are free to choose by visiting our Greenfield Garbage Grabbers map! We encourage residents to consider areas with higher traffic like the Greenfield and Murray business corridors or around busy intersections and bus stops.
How does it work?
- Select an area to adopt: Find out which areas are already adopted, or are free to choose by visiting our Greenfield Garbage Grabbers map
- Submit Your Interest Form: Fill out the form with your details and the area you wish to adopt.
- Receive Your Acceptance Letter: We’ll send you an acceptance letter with further instructions.
- Pick Up Supplies: The City of Pittsburgh, in collaboration with the GCA, provides bags and gloves. These can be collected from Magee Recreation Center.
- Regular Cleanup: We recommend cleaning your adopted area at least once a month, or more frequently if needed. Place filled bags out with your regular trash for pickup.
When can I start?
Now! The intention is for this to be as easy as possible. Once you get the acceptance letter, grab supplies and get started! Pickups times are chosen by you so do it whenever it fits best in your schedule! Sometimes multiple blocks will only be a 10-15 minute commitment.