Hello Greenfield! Please take 2 MINUTES to help your bus riding neighbors!
As you may know, the 58 is the only bus we have to get to and from Downtown. It only runs every half hour at peak times and every 50 minutes otherwise. This often means delays and over-crowded buses that simply pass Greenfield riders by.
Please request that Port Authority add stops for the 52 and 53L on Greenfield Ave, so our neighbors have more frequent service.
1. Click on: https://www.portauthority.org/services/service-requests/service-requests/
2. Select: “Change to Existing Service”
3. Paste the following text (edit as you like):
Dear Port Authority,
I am writing to let you know that Greenfield needs better bus service. We use the 58 bus route regularly to get to and from Downtown, as well as to transfer elsewhere in the transit network. However, the 58 runs infrequently, with only one bus every 30 minutes at peak times, and one bus every 50 minutes during off-peak hours. During rush hour, buses are often crowded, with standing room only. Many riders have had the 58 pass them by due to overcrowding or not show up altogether for scheduled times – leaving them stranded or having to use expensive ride-hailing services to get to and from critical destinations.
We are requesting that the following stops be add to the 52 and 53 L routes so that our community can have additional transit service to Downtown and back.
- Lydia Street & Greenfield Ave
- Greenfield/Saline/Irvine (under railroad trestle)
As riders, it is disheartening to watch buses passing by us by, knowing that they are going to the same destination we are headed to. This could be remedied by simply adding a sticker to the existing bus stops, and would vastly improve the lives and the efficacy of public transit in our community.
We look forward to hearing from you about this request.
Thank you.
4. Enter your contact info, and click SUBMIT.