It’s hard to celebrate Halloween during COVID-19 but Edward P. Kanai Funeral Home of Greenfield came up with a great idea. They are hosting a Virtual Halloween Costume Contest, October 17-30.
Winners will be determined by “Likes” on the submitted photos. Here’s how to enter as described on Kanai’s Facebook page:
Trick-or-Treating may not be an option during this difficult time of social-distancing, but that doesn’t mean our Halloween spirit has to be put on hold. Edward P. Kanai Funeral Home invites you to join us in a Virtual Costume Contest. Have a little Halloween fun while staying safely at home. This is a FREE event. Submit your entry by sharing your photo to the event page (under the Discussion tab) and let us know which category you would like to enter. Submissions will be accepted between October 17th and October 30th. Winners will be determined by the numbers of likes on the photo – so make sure to tell your friends about it! The winners will be officially announced on Halloween on the Edward P. Kanai Funeral Home Facebook page.
Costume Categories:
* Best Ages 1-5
* Best Ages 6-11
* Best Ages 12-17
* Most Creative
* Best Group
* Best Couple
* Funniest
* Scariest
The Fine Print: Prizes will be available for contact-free pick-up through the first week of November. Winners must be residents of the Greater Pittsburgh Area, but anyone is welcome to submit a photo for the fun of it!
Prizes and sponsors for each category will be announced throughout September.