Community Presentation and Discussion: 5500 Forward Avenue, Property of Buncher Company
When: MONDAY, May 2, 2016, 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Where: Jewish Community Center, 5738 Forbes Ave in Squirrel Hill, Room 202
The Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition and Greenfield Community Association invite you to a public meeting to learn more about Buncher Company’s recent application to Pittsburgh City Planning to rezone and consolidate the property on 5500 Forward Avenue.
Please join Councilman Corey O’Connor; a Buncher Company representative; representatives from Office of City Planning; and members from SHUC and GCA Gateway, Commercial Development and Transportation committees as we discuss what the zoning changes may mean for this important “first-impression” corner of the southern Gateway into Squirrel Hill and our two communities.
Your comments at the meeting will be welcomed.
For more information about this project or any other Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition-led programs and events, please call 412-422-7666 or email us at info@shuc.org. Find us at www.shuc.org