8th Annual Fall Magee Park Work Party
Come help at Greenfield’s annual Fall Work Day!
When: Saturday, October 19, 2019, 9:30a – 1:00p, includes food!
Where: Magee Park –> near Magee Rec Center, 745 Greenfield Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Step 1: Work – cleaning up Magee Park
- preparing & painting handrails and surfaces throughout
- cleaning debris in park & bleachers
- cleanup/winter prep of triangle garden
- litter pickup & other activities as needed… ☺
Step 2: Pizza Lunch & Drinks

Sponsored by the GCA Public Space Stewardship Committee in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh Make a Difference Day on 10/19/2019.
Please send any questions/comments to GCA-Public Space Committee at publicspace@gcapgh.org Thank You!